52 Miniature Painting Lessons

With Award Winning Artist Aimee Erickson

One new painting lesson every week from one of the best Acrylic artists in the world

Get Started Now!

Today's Pricing:

$399 $299

“Great class. Love your teaching style. Full of valuable

information and insight.” - Aimee Erickson Student

What if you could do the ART

you LOVE?

and, at the same time...

...you could gain expert insights from

an award-winnning artist? 

Because, you probably already

know this, but...

Art is incredibly GOOD for you.

It is great for your mental health and relaxation. It gives you fresh eyes to see 

the world. It feeds your soul. It connects you to others.


It can be difficult to paint regularly. You may wonder:

Do I have enough time?

Where do I start?

What supplies do I need?

What will I paint?

That's why I created my 52-Week

Miniature Painting Challenge!

Okay, so what is it?

The Miniature Painting Challenge is a full year of artistic inspiration.

What you'll get:

  • 52 Paint-Along Lessons - You'll get a new miniature painting lesson every week for a full year. These will be short, accessible video lessons that ANYONE can follow along with.

  • Supply List - You may already have what you need, but in case you don't, we will provide you with an easy-to-order supply list.

  • Private Community - You'll be able to access one of the most FUN and ENCOURAGING art communities in the world!

  • Lifetime access - Don't worry if you don't get everything done in the year. These lessons will be yours for life.

Learn more

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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Stay Inspired All Year

You'll learn to paint 52 gorgeous, yet simple and approachable paintings. You can decorate your home with these beautiful works of art or give them away as unique, one-of-a-kind gifts.

Learn from a Professional

Get a new video painting lesson

from Aimee Erickson every single week for 52 weeks! Stay inspired and learn quickly as she shares insights and expert tips from 30+ years of experience. Plus, you'll receive plenty of encouragement for your painting journey!

Lifetime Access

Are you busy & worried you'll fall behind? Have no fear. With your purchase you'll gain access for life. There's absolutely no risk of missing out because you can revisit these lessons for years to come.

How will you benefit from the Miniature Painting Challenge?

#2: Not Knowing Where To Start

Each week you'll gain access to a new and inspiring lesson,


#3: Fear and Insecurity

These consistent, simple lessons will help you move past

fear into COURAGEOUS creativity. Art will stop being

intimidating, and it will be LIFE-GIVING! PLUS, join a

community of artists who will RALLY around you as you


You will OVERCOME these OBSTACLES to creativity:

#1: Lack of Time

Each lesson is SHORT and DOABLE. They range slightly in

length, with the average at about 36 minutes, so you can

easily fit them into your busy schedule.

Who is this Miniature Painting Challenge

good for?

  • Uninspired Artists - have something FRESH to paint every week!

  • Young Artists - artistic kids will FLOURISH with these lessons!

  • Older Artists - these are LIFE-GIVING and fun painting exercises!

  • Exploring Artists - this is the perfect way to find a NEW PASSION!

  • ​Stuck Artists - this is your chance to BREAK THROUGH your obstacles!

  • Beginning Artists - Some experience is helpful but it's a great way to DEVELOP consistent painting habits!

  • Experienced Artists - there is always something NEW to discover!

In other words, this is


Here are a few of the paintings you will learn how to paint:

What Others Are Saying:

"I never would have thought I could paint this. Portraits have always intimidated me. But watching Aimee go through the process gave me confidence ... It’s so fun to learn new techniques. I’m finding acrylics allow you to do different things that oils wouldn’t - it’s fun! Thank you Aimee"

Meghan W.

"I need more practice with light, shadow and reflection. Also, more studies of flower shapes and construction. These minis are wonderful exercises. Love this community."

Alison T.

"I just started Aimee's challenge and I can't wait to keep going. I didn't have any of her colors or brush sizes but I decided to just have fun with what was on hand and stick to the 30 minutes. I'm excited to learn and improve!"

Janie B.

Will you join me for a year of  painting?

Aimee teaches painting, drawing, and color theory at  venues nationwide and overseas. She has a particular interest in what enables or inhibits artistic progress. "How do we learn to see what we cannot yet see? How

does expectation influence our ability to perceive?"

One of the winningest painters in the plein air world, Aimee has taken home:

  • Best of Show & Artist's Choice Plein Air Easton 2019
  • Best of Show Laguna, Olmsted, Carmel, Sonoma and Pacific Northwest Plein Air
  • Portrait Society of America Finalist
  • Best of Show at American Woman Artists National Show

What You'll Get Today

Aimee Erickson's 52-Week Miniature Painting Challenge

  • 52 Weekly Miniature Painting Lessons
  • HD Quality Video - See Every Brush Stroke
  • Expert Insights From a Professional Artist
  • Supply List With an Easy Order Button
  • Encouraging Artist Community
  • 24/7 Lifetime Access


Today's Price: $299

Unlock my Creative Potential

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Click HERE for the member discount!

45-Day Total Confidence Money Back Guarantee

Let us take the risk on this. If you're not completely satisfied, we will give you a

full refund. No questions asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

What supplies will I need?

Please note: Inside the course, we will provide you with a full list that will include links if you'd like to order online.

You will need just a few supplies really.

1. Paint: A limited palette of paints (a yellow, a red, a blue) plus black and white will suffice. There may be a few more colors used periodically, but if you have the basics, you'll be fine.

2. Canvases/panels: All the demonstration paintings will be done on an 6x6 canvas. If there are exceptions, it will be noted. You can, of course, change the size if you want.

3. Brushes: You will need 3 or 4 brushes of various sizes. I generally use 2 or 3 "flat" brushes and one "round" brush for smaller details.

That's pretty much it! Again, you will find a more detailed list in the course.

Do I have to use acrylic paints?

The short answer is no. The vast majority of what's taught is foundational to all painting mediums. So, if you wanted to use oils, for instance, you would find all the main principles are totally applicable to you, but there would just be some differences in technique as the mediums have different properties.

The longer answer is that while you COULD use a different medium, there are SO many reason to paint with acrylics!

1. Water Cleanup: Acrylic paints clean up easily with water. You will never need to expose yourself or others to special solvents or thinners when you are using acrylic paints.

2. Fast Drying: I love the fact that I can touch my paintings after a short time and not worry about getting wet paint on myself or what's around me. This makes it much easier to store and transport paintings without all the headache you'd have if they were still wet. Also, when I want to make a change to a painting I can do it quickly.

3. Super Versatile: Acrylic paints can be applied to almost any surface because they adhere so well. They can also be applied very thin and transparent or very thick and impasto-like without having to worry about rules like "thick over thin" because of their quick drying properties. Acrylic paintings are easy to frame because they don't need to be protected with glass.

4. Cost Effective: Acrylic paints are fairly inexpensive when compared to other mediums. This means that you can paint and practice with freedom without being too concerned about cost.

5. Travel Easily: Because they are non-toxic and don't require fancy thinners, you can travel the world with your acrylic paints and never worry about boarding a plane with hazardous materials.

Are the lessons good for beginners?

Yes, but SOME EXPERIENCE is helpful! We want to be clear: this set of lessons is not primarily a beginner painting course. Some knowledge of your tools and materials and how to use them will aid in your enjoyment of this instruction.

Having said that, these mini-painting lessons are probably one of the easiest entry points for a beginning artist. They are short and don't take too long, so they aren't scary.
 Plus, you don't have to figure anything out on your own. You'll be able to see each step of the painting process and more - starting with what supplies you want to have and why. The bonus is that by starting and finishing several smaller paintings you will grow so much more than if you had worked an equal amount of time but had only completed a couple larger paintings. Your growth will be exponential as you will be able to see paintings come together from start to finish and never miss anything because you can pause, stop & rewind as much as you need!

Are the lessons good for experienced artists?

Absolutely, yes!

One of the things that can hinder artists of any level is feeling "uninspired". These short, mini paintings will help you get out and stay out of any rut that tries to slow you down. And they will be a springboard for your own creativity to soar.

What do I gain access to when I join?

You will gain access to one high-quality, professional painting lesson every week for 52 weeks, and you will keep access to those lessons for life, so you can come back and revisit your favorite lessons for years to come :-)

How will I access the lessons?

Your lessons will be accessible 24/7 through any computer or mobile device.

We built our site on a very user-friendly platform that anyone can navigate. And if you ever have questions or issues, you can contact us at support@acrylicuniversity.com. We are here to help.

What's the 45-Day Guarantee?

If, for whatever reason, you decide you aren't satisfied within 45 days, we will refund all of your money - no questions asked. We believe strongly in what we do and we want you to be thoroughly satisfied.

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