How to take a Painting From Good to GREAT

Jed Dorsey • Mar 15, 2024

In this article, we'll teach you how to take a painting from good to GREAT. We will discuss the importance of making courageous decisions, taking action, and overcoming fear in order to achieve your artistic goals. We will also touch on the concept of painting loosely and the need to paint with intentionality.

Step 1) Make COURAGEOUS decisions

One of the key factors in transforming a good painting into a great one is making courageous decisions. It's about taking action and moving past your fear. As the artist, you have the power to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and explore new techniques and ideas. By doing so, you can add vibrancy and freshness to your artwork.

Step 2) Embrace Bold Brush Strokes

When striving to paint loosely, it's important to maintain bold brush strokes. This adds a sense of vibrancy and energy to your painting. However, it's crucial to paint with intentionality and not get caught up in mindless brush strokes. These two things can be hard to balance. One good way to accomplish this is to focus on the blocks of shadow and light in your reference. Focus on that and paint with intentionality towards the blocks of light. Don't think about the objects in your scene (this is a boat, this is a tree, etc). Think ONLY in terms of block of light.

Step 3) Add Vibrancy and Brilliant Colors

To elevate your painting from good to great, consider adding more vibrant and brilliant colors. This can bring a sense of life and interest to your artwork. Be intentional with your color choices and use them to create a visually captivating piece. When trying to create vibrant colors remember that 1) the GREYS are what make your colors pop and 2) you can get away with heavily exaggerated colors as long as your values read well.

Step 4) Make Adjustments and Touch-ups

As you near the end of your painting, take a step back and evaluate the overall composition. Look for areas that could benefit from adjustments or touch-ups. This is your opportunity to refine and enhance your artwork. Don't be afraid to make small changes to improve the final result. This is the great part about working with Acrylics - you can easily change huge parts of your painting at any stage of the process!

Step 5) Seek Feedback and Growth

Once you've completed your painting, seek feedback from others. Share your work and ask for their thoughts and opinions. This can provide valuable insights and help you grow as an artist. Embrace fresh perspectives and consider new ideas that others may suggest.

Step 6) Move Forward with Courage

In conclusion, taking a painting from good to great requires courage, intentionality, and a willingness to push past your comfort zone. Embrace bold brush strokes, make deliberate decisions, and strive to add vibrancy and brilliance to your artwork. Overcome challenges, seek feedback, and continue to grow as an artist. Remember, your greatest dream and desire lie just beyond your deepest fear. So take action today and move forward with courage.

Head to to start paintings with CONFIDENCE and BOLDNESS.

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